November 2020
Looking for a way to talk to your kids about social issues
A deep-fried, sweet Hanukkah is a happy Hanukkah
October 2020
How a Milwaukee voting rights advocate is working to educate voters
Designing justice: Luba Lukova’s exploration of social equality through graphic art
September 2020
Explore virtual content or buy a ticket to see the museum in person
Designing justice: Luba Lukova’s exploration of social equality through graphic art featured in new exhibit
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Reopens To Public, Debuts New Exhibitions
Tuesday on Lake Effect: Overdose & Homicide Deaths, ‘This Is How We Leave,’ Artist Luba Lukova
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Exhibit Highlights Social Justice Through Art
Jewish Museum Milwaukee to Launch Social Justice Exhibit
Local voting rights activist to receive social justice award
Anita Johnson to receive 2020 Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
Local leaders react to survey showing two-thirds of young Americans don’t know 6M died in Holocaust
July 2020
Pastor compares face mask mandate to Holocaust
June 2020
Jewish Museum Milwaukee expects to open in July
Milwaukee faith leaders reconsider every element of the religious experience as they make plans to reopen facilities
In secret recording, Vos says immigrant ‘culture’ was to blame for COVID-19 outbreak in Racine County
May 2020
Here’s what you need to know about in-person religious services in Milwaukee as suburban orders expire
President Trump calls to reopen churches: Here’s how some worship centers are planning to reopen
Jewish Museum Milwaukee finds every silver lining during shutdown
April 2020
Passover begins tonight at sundown
Jewish Leaders Give Guidance on Passover During Coronavirus Pandemic
March 2020
Area Churches, Synagogues Change Practices In Attempt To Stop Spread Of COVID-19
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Goes Digital During Coronavirus Pandemic
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Expands Public Reach During Pandemic Shutdown with Virtual Exhibits
Anti-Semitic incidents rose last year as perpetrators felt emboldened to attack, Milwaukee Jewish leaders say
Saving Our Democracy: March 5-11, 2020
Audit Finds Reported Anti-Semitic Incidents On The Rise In Wisconsin
Reports of antisemitic incidents in Wisconsin increase by 55 percent
Antisemitic incidents in Wisconsin increase over 300% since 2015
329% Jump in State’s Antisemitic Incidents
February 2020
Holocaust survivors share dinner and stories with Milwaukee students at Hillel Milwaukee
January 2020
10 trips you have to take in 2020 if you love to eat, according to Eater
75th anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz prompts reflection on present-day anti-Semitism
75 Years After Auschwitz Liberation, Exhibit Explores The Life Of A Girl Interred There
Proposed bill would make it mandatory to teach Holocaust in Wisconsin schools
Proposal would require Wisconsin schools to teach Holocaust history
Coming of Age in the Holocaust
‘Lessons that are critical:’ Exhibit gives voice to teen who lived through Holocaust
7 things you should be doing in Milwaukee this weekend, from spoken word to Chinese New Year
Thursday on Lake Effect: ‘The Girl In The Diary,’ UK Royal Racism, Innovator-In-Residence
Plucked From The Rubble: Diary Found In Auschwitz Makes US Premiere In Milwaukee
Holocaust and genocide education would be required in Wisconsin schools under proposed bill
Coalition of Organizations in Milwaukee forms to support victims of hate-motivated incidents
December 2019
Houdini learned how to hold his breath in the Milwaukee River
November 2019
Bipartisan Wisconsin Assembly delegation visits Israel
New Jersey teen accused of directing white supremacists to vandalize Racine synagogue
Milwaukee businesses weigh in on 2020 prospects at Economic Forum
October 2019
Economist Schenker shares positive outlook at Jewish Federation’s economic forum: Slideshow
‘We Can Weather The Storm’: Economist Says Consumers Likely To Keep Economy Strong
Milwaukee museum exhibit explores Houdini’s Wisconsin roots
Milwaukee museum exhibit explores Houdini’s Wisconsin roots
Tuesday on Lake Effect: Spider Webs, Haunted Downtown Milwaukee, Harry Houdini’s Wisconsin …
Giveaway: Linking Houdini: A Halloween Séance
Exhibit touts Houdini’s Wisconsin roots and spectacular escape in downtown Madison
September 2019
Jewish representatives from Milwaukee have empathy for migrants at Southern border
August 2019
‘There Aren’t Others; Others Are What We Are’: Moshe Katz
Gun violence vigil remembers Sikh Temple attack, mourns victims of past weekend’s shootings
July 2019
MDA’s “First Seven Minutes” Project Has Reached The United States
Israeli paramedics host emergency terrorism response course in Milwaukee
Emergency responders train local religious organizations to handle the worst case scenario
Israeli EMTs train Milwaukee faith groups to deal with mass casualty events
Magen David Adom Rolls Out Terrorism- and Emergency-Response Training for Civilians in U.S.
The Circus Is In Town
Women Wage Peace Educates Milwaukeeans On Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Jews wield power, but it’s not enough to win Home Run Derby
Thursday on Lake Effect: LULAC, Women Wage Peace, Melinda Myers, Radio Chipstone, Bastille …
Harley-Davidson’s electric Hog: 0 to 60 mph in 3 seconds
Kids in Cages: Reflections on our disunited state and culture of unrequited love
Community Leaders Protest Conditions At Detention Centers On The Border
June 2019
Chagall’s Circus Stories
‘Chagall’s Le Cirque’ Exhibit Showcases Wisconsin’s Circus Tradition
Now Batting in Milwaukee: ‘The Spy Behind Home Plate’
Pardeep Singh Kaleka and Arno Michaelis to receive 2019 Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Brings Iconic Circus Back to Life
6 Things You Should be Doing in Milwaukee this Weekend, from Father’s Day on the Cheap to Polish Fest
Special MKE Film Screening Stars Strikeouts, Spy Craft and Bud Selig
Manitowoc Rahr-West Art Museum to Share Chagall Collection with Jewish Museum in Milwaukee
May 2019
UWM student holds swastika sign at Jewish Independence Day celebration
Milwaukee university student holds swastika sign in bid for publicity
Local Jewish leaders look to prevent tragedy
April 2019
Ed Asner visits Milwaukee for ‘The Soap Myth’
See the Legendary Ed Asner on Stage in Milwaukee
Milwaukee Jewish community impacted by shooting at synagogue in California
Actor Ed Asner Stars In ‘The Soap Myth,’ Play About How We Remember History
Ed Asner to star in ‘The Soap Myth’ April 29 at Congregation Shalom
Ed Asner to star in the ‘The Soap Myth’ April 29
Wisconsin faith leaders working to better secure places of worship
Cardinal Stritch Offers Heroic and Absurdist ‘The Last Cyclist’
Remembering a Woman at War in ‘Pictures of Resistance’
March 2019
The State of anti-Semitism in Wisconsin
Number of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents on rise around the world
How Wisconsin groups are fighting an increase in hate speech and anti-Semitism in the state
Anti-boycott bill is Israel loyalty test –Joel Garb
Hate speech found along Milwaukee bike path
‘Coded message’ of hate found along the popular Oak Leaf Trail in Milwaukee
Anti-Semitic incidents increase in Wisconsin for fifth consecutive year
Hate crimes on the rise in Wisconsin; locals work to combat it
Report: Anti-Semitic incidents in Wisconsin on the rise
February 2019
Study: Hate groups on the rise, 15 found in Wisconsin
Nominees sought for Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
Nominees Sought for Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
January 2019
What an hour can do to the hate in Milwaukee
Milwaukee Jewish Federation names new president and CEO
Milwaukee Jewish Federation hires new CEO from Detroit
December 2018
How Milwaukee Jewish Federation Fights Anti-Semitism and Builds Community
Baraboo police investigating report of online video, anti-Semitic flyers
Baraboo Schools Will Bolster Holocaust Education After Nazi Salute Photo Controversy
Baraboo School District outlines educational steps following controversial photo
The Rise of Anti-Semitism in Wisconsin, the US, and Globally
November 2018
At Hanukkah, sweet fried doughnuts are a treat with meaning
Chef/author Michael Solomonov aims to introduce diners to Israeli cuisine
Nazi salutes, blackface: Is racist behavior becoming normal in Wisconsin?
Before Nazi salute picture, Baraboo schools saw a rise in racial complaints
Rabbi Hannah talks Chanukah on TMJ News Radio 620AM
Forever Friends
Chef/author Michael Solomonov aims to introduce diners to Israeli cuisine
Three Wis. sisters share the importance of teaching the Holocaust
Milwaukee Jewish Federation Director Elana Kahn
New Berlin rethinks yearbook senior quotes after Hitler ‘Final Solution’ reference
Multiple hate groups located in Wisconsin, one headquartered in Milwaukee
Boys Celebrate Prom With A Sieg Heil In Wisconsin
‘This isn’t who we are’: Viral Nazi salute photo of Wisconsin high school promgoers draws widespread condemnation
Baraboo School District investigates boys’ apparent Nazi salute
Baraboo School District investigating boys’ apparent Nazi salute
Before Nazi salute picture, Baraboo schools saw a rise in racial complaints
Nazi salutes, blackface: Is racist behavior becoming normal in Wisconsin?
‘Nazi Salute’ Protected By First Amendment: Baraboo Officials Say
Jewish organizations reach out to school district after ‘Nazi Salute’ photo
Fallout continues for Baraboo students in wake of photo showing what looks like Nazi salute
Exploring the soul of Israeli Cuisine
Madison Jewish community responds to controversial Baraboo photo
Statement on Baraboo High School Photo
Wisconsin Responds to Baraboo Students’ ‘Nazi Salute’ Photo
‘Our nation is divided:’ Prayers for peace as Milwaukee commemorates ‘kristallnacht’
Why The Hollywood Blacklist Is A Jewish Story (And Also A Milwaukee Story)
‘Blacklist’ Exhibit At Jewish Museum Milwaukee Examines Red Scare Impact on Hollywood
Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast Aly Raisman To Share Sex Abuse Story
Despite Nassar sentence, Aly Raisman tells a Fox Point crowd more USA Gymnastics officials still need to go
Passion for Justice, Safety Energizes Milwaukee Jewish Vote After Pittsburgh Massacre
October 2018
Response to Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting
Community Gathering Coverage
89.7 WUWM: Milwaukee Vigil Mourns Victims Of Pittsburgh Shooting
90.7 WPR: Wisconsin Vigil Honoring Pittsburgh Synagogue Victims Draws More Than 1K People
Fox6Now: ‘We’re not afraid:’ Estimated 1,800 take part in community gathering after synagogue shooting
TMJ4: Marquette professor grew up attending Pittsburgh synagogue that was attacked
CBS58: Hundreds attend vigil in Glendale in memory of shooting victims
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Vigil for Pittsburgh synagogue victims draws overflow crowd in Glendale
Milwaukee Independent: Milwaukee Community holds interfaith vigil to mourn the Pittsburgh synagogue victims
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle: Milwaukee Jewry turns out, to be with ‘family’ after Pittsburgh horror
Response to Tragedy
89.7 WUWM: Milwaukee Jewish Community Activist Reflects On Pittsburgh Shooting
WISN12News: Security measures being discussed at Milwaukee-area Jewish facilities
CBS58: Wisconsin leaders taking precautions, condemn Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin leaders condemn Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, some see link to violent rhetoric
620AM: Milwaukee Jewish Federation Director Elana Kahn
Urban Milwaukee: Heartbroken in Pittsburgh (Andrea Schneider Op-Ed)
88Nine RadioMilwaukee: She attended Tree of Life synagogue as a kid, now she’s a Marquette law professor
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle: When Pittsburgh and Milwaukee are both home
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle: Poll: Does President Trump bear any responsibility for the massacre in Pittsburgh?
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle: Law enforcement steps up attention to Jewish sites
Deborah Lipstad (MJF Program Speaker in 2016): 3 Lessons About Anti-Semitism We Should Learn From the Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack
Gathering Preview
Fox6Now: Expression of unity:’ Jewish community remembers victims of synagogue shooting
WISN12News: Milwaukee vigil to honor victims of Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
CBS58: Milwaukee Jewish Federation to host gathering in remembrance of shooting victims
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee Jewish Federation organizing a community-wide gathering after Pittsburgh attack
Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle: Gathering tonight to include teens, clergy
8 quick questions for “grumpy lady of tech” Kara Swisher
Technology news leader to keynote Economic Forum 2018
City Must Embrace Change, Tech Expert Says
Tech Journalist Takes On Facebook & Other Social Media During Milwaukee Visit
Economic Forum 2018 Panel Discussion with Milwaukee Business Leaders
Recode’s Kara Swisher talks technology, need for startups at economic forum: Slideshow
Technology news leader to keynote Economic Forum 2018
Zahav chef Michael Solomonov and restaurateur Steven Cook will speak at the JCC
Partnership MKE helps business, community leaders break down bias
All of the ideas from the 90 Ideas in 90 Minutes Event
Black List: The Hollywood Red Scare
August 2018
Anti-Semitic graffiti at West Allis park is indicative of widespread hate, says Jewish leader
July 2018
Anti-Semitic graffiti at West Allis park is indicative of widespread hate, says Jewish leader
Former Archdiocesan Director Receives Award from Interfaith Conference
June 2018
Milwaukee Jewish Federation Announces New ‘Hours Against Hate’ Program Coordinator
Stitching’ Immigration Stories at the Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Israel’s ambassador to US lauds American embassy move to Jerusalem in address at Milwaukee Rotary Club
Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer speaks in front of rotary club in Milwaukee
Israeli Ambassador To US Speaks In Milwaukee, Defends Embassy Move To Jerusalem
Israel ambassador to US lauds Jerusalem embassy move in address at Milwaukee Rotary Club
Wisconsin high school pulls yearbook over anti-Semitic quote
Reggie Jackson and Fran Kaplan to receive 2018 Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
High school yearbook quote praises ‘Final Solution’
Wisconsin high school pulls yearbook over anti-Semitic quote
Wisconsin high school senior hails ‘Final Solution’ in yearbook quote
Student writes anti-Semitic quote in high school yearbook
New Berlin West student writes anti-Semitic senior quote in yearbook
May 2018
Israeli Doctors Work in Secret to Aid Those Living in War-Torn Syria
My toughest challenge
Generous training opportunities pay off by attracting, retaining great employees
Rosenthal to retire from Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Rosenthal to retire as CEO of Milwaukee Jewish Federation (Video)
Generous training opportunities pay off by attracting, retaining great employees
April 2018
WISN12 features Israel 70 Years Celebration at Milwaukee City Hall
CBS58 Promotes Mayoral Proclamation Celebration of Israel’s 70 Years of Statehood
TMJ4 Promotes Mayoral Proclamation Celebration of Israel’s 70 Years of Statehood
An Islamic Path for Continuing Dr. King’s Call to End Injustice
Exhibit displays dresses designed during Holocaust
‘Important stories:’ Jewish Museum Milwaukee brings back ‘Stitching Histories from the Holocaust’
‘Stitching Histories from the Holocaust’ returns to Jewish Museum Milwaukee, tells local stories of Holocaust
Milwaukee Remembers Civil Rights Legend Vel Phillips
March 2018
Franklin schools to observe MLK holiday, address concerns of minority students
Constant silence on anti-Semitism disgraces social, political activists
Anti-Semitic Incidents Spike in 2017
‘Unmasking of Hate’ Anti-Semitic Incidents Rise In Wisconsin
Anti-Semitic incidents rose sharply in state and nation
Wisconsin looks to Israel tech to solve water pollution woes
February 2018
Holocaust survivor: ‘Be nice to each other’
‘Allied in the Fight’ Offers Powerful Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement
Black player says student made monkey noises as he shot free throws
Racial incident reported at Franklin High School for the second time in four weeks
Jewish Council reports sharp increase in anti-Semitic activity
Friday Forum with Steve Scaffidi
Paul Nehlen Posts List of Critics, Says ’74 are Jews’
Nehlen should withdraw from 1st District race
Exhibit Explores How Jews and Blacks Fought Together for Civil Rights
Jewish Museum’s ‘Allied in the Fight’ documents Jewish, African American struggle for justice
Wisconsin must protect Israel from boycott, divestment, sanctions discrimination
We must stand up to the small-minded, anti-Semitic bigotry of Paul Nehlen
January 2018
Exhibit explores connection between Jewish and Black communities in fight for civil rights
‘It just boomerangs. Hatred begets hatred,’ Holocaust survivor says
Three groups decry racist signs on Franklin bubbler
‘White’ and ‘colored’ water fountain signs inflame tensions at Wisconsin school plagued by racist incidents
Horrified Students Demand Action After ‘White’ And ‘Colored’ Signs Appear Above Water Fountains At High School Known For Racists Acts
‘White’ And ‘Colored’ Signs Above School Fountain Cause Firestorm
‘It Hurts People’: High School Plagued By Racial Incidents Sees ‘White,’ ‘Colored’ Signs at Water Fountains
Jewish Council For Public Affairs Joins Forces With Dreamers, Latino Organizations, And Jewish Activists For Passage Of Dream Act
Jews & Latinos join forces, call on Congress to pass a clean Dream act
“Sifting Through Ashes” – Artist Bruce Gendelman captures the Holocaust
Ecologist Finds Israelis Separated From Nature
Activists Clash On Proposal To Bar State Participation In Israeli Boycott
Dreamers at to the promise of America’s future
Well-attended first event in an untold tale: the Holocaust in Greece
Milwaukee Jewish community comes out in support of Dreamers
December 2017
Meet the White Nationalist who wants to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan
Milwaukee Labor Council confronts white supremacist
“Disturbing display:” Rally at City Hall amid contractor controversies, company issues statement
A Life ‘Defined’ by Advocacy: Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Hannah Rosenthal
Jewish Community Relations Council Statement on Jerusalem
Statement from JCRC on Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel
November 2017
Meet Hannah Rosenthal, CEO of Milwaukee Jewish Federation and Local ‘Mensch on a Mission’
From Milwaukee to the Middle East, journalist Maziar Bahari is drawn to human stories
WiGWatch: Community action alerts
State Sees Rise in Hate Groups
Across Wisconsin, recent rises in hate, bias incidents spark concern
Foxconn not answer to all of region’s problems
Kahn: Together, we can end hate in Milwaukee
October 2017
Former SBA director talks innovation, Foxconn at economic event: Slideshow
Look to Your Supply Chain, Speaker Tells Milwaukee Businesses
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker bars Israel boycotters from doing business with his state
Wisconsin Jewish Federations Statement on Anti-Discrimination Order
Wisconsin governor signs anti-boycott Israel order
Wisconsin Becomes Latest State to Pass Anti-Boycott Israel Law
NMAJH Exhibit Painted Through Witnesses’ Perspectives
Meet the Milwaukee area’s power brokers
Groups Call for Unified Weekend Against Hate
September 2017
Dickman: Jewish Museum Milwaukee fights anti-Semitism
The Seventh Day: Revisiting Shabbat
Art Exhibit Revisits the Shabbat Custom of Rest and Renewal on the Seventh Day
United Way initiative will engage business leaders to address community’s biases
August 2017
Hundreds come out in Tosa with message of peace
JCRC Director Elana Kahn speaking about Charlottesville on 620 WTMJ News
Milwaukee Jewish Community Calls for United Response Against White Supremacists on CBS58
Milwaukee Jewish Federation: Jewish community calls for united response against white supremacists
Jewish Community Calls for United Response Against White Supremacists
Faith, civil rights groups call for independent audit of Milwaukee police
Community Coalition for Quality Policing issues mandates to rebuild trust between public and police
Jewish Museum’s Rosenblatt retrospective preserves his memories in three dimensions
July 2017
Hello, Dolly! and everyday magic at the Jewish Museum
With Trump protests, Israrel comments, Roger Waters tunes in controversy
Trump administration under fire for failing to appoint anti-Semitism envoy
Tillerson urged to appoint special envoy on anti-Semitism
Tillerson says we may not need an anti-Semitism envoy. He’s wrong.
New Rosenblatt exhibit plays tribute to enthusiastic expert on the everday
Olivieri lends time and talents to build strong Hispanic community
Hello, Dolly! and Everyday Magic at the Jewish Museum
June 2017
New Rosenblatt exhibit pays tribute to the enthusiastic expert on the everyday
Events highlight the neighborhood that inspired Rosenblatt’s art
May 2017
José A. Olivieri to receive 2017 Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
April 2017
Milwaukee PBS/Mark Siegrest Interview with Father Patrick Desbois
Wisconsin Public Radio 90.7 FM: Holocaust By Bullets Public Service Announcement
‘Holocaust By Bullets’ Shares Unknown Tales of Holocaust Terror
Monday on Lake Effect: Nazi Atrocities in USSR, US Trade, Paralympian Bonnie St. John
Father Patrick Desbois: Uncovering a Holocaust By Bullets
Photo Essay: The Unmarked Mass Graves of 2 Million
Audio: A Journey For Truth In the Shadow of Genocide
‘Holocaust by Bullets’ at Jewish Museum Milwaukee
MJS Real Time Opinion for Tuesday, April 18
War Crimes investigator to speak at Jewish exhibit “Holocaust By Bullets”
Holocaust by bullets exhibit opens in Milwaukee
Milwaukee groups use books, classes and meals to promote religious tolerance
Interfaith groups call for hate crime investigation of attack on Milwaukee Muslim woman
Holocaust by Bullets exhibit opening features the founder of the investigations
February 2017
Anti-Semitic incidents rise in Milwaukee and across nation
Trump’s Deportation Directive Targets Vulnerable Milwaukee Families
The Rise of Anti-Semitism
Incidents at UW-Madison contribute to spike in anti-Semitic incidents in 2016
Ugly Acts of Anti-Semitism Surface in Milwaukee
Bomb threat forces evacuation at Jewish Community Center in Whitefish Bay
Milwaukee Jewish Community Relations Council Reports Rise In Anti-Semitism
Milwaukee Jewish Federation Reports More Anti-Semitic Incidents in 2016
Trend Shows Increase of Local Anti-Semitic Incidents
‘Fabric of Survival’ Weaves a Story of Horror and Hope
Jewish council opposes executive orders targeting immigrants and refugees
Debunking the Myths that Feed Islamophobia
January 2017
Milwaukee Leaders Oppose Immigration Ban As Unconstitutional
Milwaukee-bound refugees’ travel plans halted
Wisconsin lawmakers split on Pres. Trump’s immigration ban; Muslim, Jewish groups push back
Jewish Community Opposes Executive Orders Targeting Immigrants and Refugees
Mueller: Witness to a Murder
Pollack: The narrow-minded message of Wisconsin Family Action
December 2016
Vice President of Outreach, Israel & Overseas Rabbi Hannah Greenstein Talks about Chanukah on Radio 620 WTMJ
Beth Lipman’s Magical Thinking
November 2016
Jewish Community Relations Council denounces the appointment of Stephen Bannon
Groups denounce President-elect Trump’s choice for chief strategist; Priebus calls him “a force for good”
Jewish Community Relations Council weighs in on Trump
Jewish Community Relations Council looks forward after election
October 2016
Interview with Vivek Wadhwa on NewsRadio 620 WTMJ
Silicon Valley futurist says Milwaukee can be an innovation hub: Slideshow
8 questions for Vivek Wadhwa
Teens hear message of forgiveness from Israeli and Palestinian parents
‘Once and Again’ Gets Up Close and Personal With Beth Lipman’s Glasswork
September 2016
Interview with Deborah Lipstadt on NewsRadio 620 WTMJ
Art City: Beth Lipman stays transparent with a twist
Parents who lost children in Israel, Palestine to speak at UWM
Deborah Lipstadt to speak about Holocaust denial
‘Denial’ in Real Life
July 2016
‘Project Mah Jongg’ Exhibit Highlights Competition & Camaraderie
June 2016
Choosing simplistic solutions for complex problems
May 2016
Danae Davis, to receive 2016 Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
Top Workplaces 2016
“Milwaukee For Israel” celebrates nation’s Independence Day
April 2016
As American as Pot Roast and Potato Salad
March 2016
Confronting discrimination of any kind
Seth M. Siegel, MJF Women’s Philanthropy speaker, on WUWM 89.7
Seth M. Siegel, MJF Women’s Philanthropy speaker, on 620WTMJ
Author of best-selling book about water shortages to speak in Fox Point
Jewish Museum Milwaukee Features Propaganda Art by Arthur Szyk
Anti-Semitic incidents on the rise in Wisconsin schools
February 2016
Exhibit at Jewish Museum of Milwaukee
MJF CFO/COO Tom Lindow Profile – 40 Under 40 Milwaukee Area’s Emerging Leaders
January 2016
Business Journal picks 40 Under 40 winners: Developer Matt Neumann, DOT’s Roselle among fourth group revealed
Today the world remembers the Holocaust
Jewish Museum Milwaukee presents FDR’s ‘solider in art’ Arthur Szyk
December 2015
Consult General Visits Milwaukee, WI
November 2015
Group of UWM students trying preserve history of local holocaust survivors
A road to peace in the Mideast
When is a statue just a statue?
Anti-Semitic words in a Milwaukee sculpture?
Shorewood sculpture to be changed after anti-Semitism complaint
Shorewood awaits recommendation on sculpture
Milwaukee Suburb Removes Sculpture After Anti-Semitic Slur Allegations
The Jews of Argentina at Jewish Museum Milwaukee
October 2015
Former treasury secretary O’Neill bemoans lack of bipartisanship
Outspoken former U.S. Treasury secretary, CEO business panel highlight economic forum: Slideshow
One-time U.S. Treasury secretary, Milwaukee-area leaders talk congressional inaction at economic forum
Paul O’Neill, U.S. Treasury secretary under George W. Bush, to keynote economic forum Tuesday
Wisconsin Jewish Group Plans Peace Vigil In Wake Of Middle East Violence
Vigil Held in Milwaukee for Peace Between Israel and Palestine
World’s largest shofar installed in Kraków
Jewish Krakow: World’s largest shofar announces New Year in Kazimierz
Voices of ghosts: Remembering the Holocaust’s mass killings
A personal journey: ‘I wanted to learn what happened’
September 2015
Holocaust Survivors’ Families Heading To Poland’s ‘Killing Fields’ For Memorial
August 2015
40 join Milwaukee Jewish Federation on trip to concentration camp sites
Milwaukee artist, others visit Poland for Holocaust remembrance
Milwaukee Jewish Federation helps sculptor install work of art in Poland, to remember the Holocaust
Milwaukee Jewish Federation leads unique trip to Poland
July 2015
The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League: A Relatively Unknown History
Selig, Attanasio help open baseball exhibit
Fans Treated to “Inside the Brewers” Discussion with Debbie and Mark Attanasio
Mark and Debbie Attanasio give inside look at owning the Milwaukee Brewers: Slideshow
Mark and Debbie Attanasio provide inside look on family life, Brewers
Local holocaust survivor reflects on legacy of Sir Nicholas Winton
Sunday Morning Spotlight: Kathie Bernstein and Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Local holocaust survivor reflects on legacy of Sir Nicholas Winton
June 2015
‘Chasing Dreams’ exhibit at Jewish Museum celebrates baseball’s diversity
James H. Hall, Jr., to receive inaugural Robert H. Friebert Social Justice Award
May 2015
Sherman-Cisler named executive director of Jewish Museum Milwaukee
April 2015
Priest Uncovers A “Holocaust By Bullets” In Soviet Russia
Milwaukee group to help research massacre of Jews in Poland
Internationally Renowned Holocaust Researcher Presents Lifework in Lecture
Milwaukee marks Holocaust Remembrance Day
Bringing Holocaust Victim’s Fashion Designs Back To Life
From the ashes of the Holocaust, a fashion designer’s dresses come to life
March 2015
February 2015
Anti-Semitic talks take center stage in Madison
Local anti-Semitic incidents reach 20-year high
Escape into fashion
Madison Police: Weekend Anti-Jewish Vandalism Considered Hate Crime
Report Says Dramatic Rise in Wisconsin Antisemitic Incidents; Data Released Day After Major Graffiti Spree in Madison
Anti-Semitism Spikes in the Badger State
Local Jewish group raises concerns about recent anti-Semitic acts in Wisconsin
Jewish Federation Reports Anti-Semitic Incidents Were Up In Wisconsin In 2014
Vandalism, graffiti demand strongest condemnation
Report finds dramatic rise in anti-Semitic incidents in Wisconsin
Rash of anti-Semitic graffiti includes at least 30 complaints
January 2015
Holocaust education evolves as number of survivors dwindles
Local woman tells her story of survival during WWII
‘What they did is unforgivable’: Holocaust survivors share stories with the next generation
University, Museum Collaborate to Put One Woman’s Holocaust Story Into Digital Exhibit
Jewish Federation CEO Offers to Take 100 Lashes on Behalf of Saudi Blogger
Stitching History in Reality and Online: A Holocaust Victim’s Legacy Lives On
Effort intended to expand interfaith dialogue across state
December 2014
The Jewish Museum of Milwaukee will be open Christmas Day
Church-state debate still rages, but public Hanukkah menorahs gain wider acceptance
A double escape from tyranny to Wisconsin success
Hedy Strand’s Dress designs tell story of Czech woman who tried in vain to flee terror
MJS Photo Gallery of “Stitching History From the Holocaust”
November 2014
Professional medical clowns from Israel visit Milwaukee
No more clownin’ around
Holocaust-era dress designs immortalized in museum
Family history comes to life: Dress designs lost in Holocaust uncovered
The Arts Page – Program #307 – Stitching History from the Holocaust
Medical Clowning Seminar at the Jewish Community Center
Marking a somber anniversary: Folks gather in Milwaukee to remember Kristallnacht
October 2014
Ripon High School to present ‘Hiding in the Open’
Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry, power-networking attract full house to Jewish Federation forum: Slideshow
Milwaukee Jewish Federation Economic Forum
Milwaukee Bucks make major move
Marc Lasry says Bucks owners didn’t buy Shops of Grand Avenue
Lasry, Edens offered $1M to help local bid for Grand Avenue
Lasry, Edens not Grand Avenue’s mystery buyers
Exhibit recreates designs by ‘lady tailor’ turned away by FDR
Stitching History From the Holocaust
SHARP Literacy expands programs, presence in Milwaukee
Around the Town: ‘Hours Against Hate’ Sunday
Two holy days, observed in freedom
The Jewish dressmaker FDR turned away
History, religious studies instructor’s role with Holocaust Center deepens learning experiences
Holocaust Dresses
September 2014
Exhibit explores Jewish lives, creativity lost to Holocaust
Hannah Rosenthal on Milwaukee’s Vibrant Jewish Community and the Gaza/Israel Conflict
Eight Mannequins at a Wisconsin Museum Tell of a Holocaust Tragedy (The New York Times)
Stitching History From the Holocaust
August 2014
New social justice award honors late attorney Friebert
Amid New Violence In Gaza, Local Jewish Group Reports Uptick In Anti-Semitic Threats
“It’s gotten really scary:” Hate against Jews ramping up; Could it be because of what’s going on overseas?
July 2014
MKE Jewish Federation offers condolences to families of slain students
Jewish Community Center to host memorial for 3 murdered teens
Milwaukee Art Gaze: Art Shay: Working, Jews Who Rock, Gesture
June 2014
Pelosi names Hannah Rosenthal to religious freedom body
Jews Who Rock on Milwaukee Public Television
Jews Who Rock on FineTuning
Jews Who Rock on The Arts Page
Jews Who Rock on Tap
Jews Who Rock on Lake Effect
Jews Who Rock in Wisconsin Gazette
Pelosi names Hannah Rosenthal to religious freedom body
Women of Influence News: Hannah Rosenthal
Near-record crowd honors Women of Influence winners: Slideshow (Video)
Faith communities gather for PrideFest service Friday
Jewish Community at Pridefest (page 21)
May 2014
Milwaukee ‘Jews Who Rock’ exhibit features local musicians, photographer
Jews Who Rock — And Role Model
Visual meets sonic at Jewish Museum of Milwaukee
April 2014
First group of Women of Influence winners
Jewish Museum’s “Jews Who Rock” ready to take the stage
March 2014
Andy Warhol Jewish Show Gets 15 More Minutes of Fame in Milwaukee
Annual audit documents incidents of anti-Semitism in Wisconsin
Jews Who Rock: A Musical History Tour Exhibit will open April 27 at Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Milwaukee Jewish educator tapped for ‘Story of the Jews’
Annual audit documents incidents of anti-Semitism in Wisconsin
February 2014
Palestine solidarity activists disrupt speech by ‘Homeland’ TV series creator
When Warhol Did his Warhol Shtick
International Focus – The Life and Legacy of Ariel Sharon
Israeli TV’s Influence on the American Small Screen
Jewish Museum Milwaukee hosts Andy Warhol portraits
January 2014
TV producer involved with “Homeland” to speak at UWM
Visual Art: The Enigma of Andy Warhol
Jewish Museum Milwaukee takes new look at Andy Warhol’s ‘geniuses’
Acclaimed Writer to Lead Discussion about Israeli TV on Jan. 30
Community Art Project with Distinguished Artist
Israeli behind original ‘Homeland’ finds fertile ground in U.S. TV
Andy Warhol portraits on view now
December 2013
Amy Kahn – New faces, new places
November 2013
Warhol Screen Prints Coming to Jewish Museum Milwaukee
For coverage links past November 2013, please contact Jeff Jones, Marketing Manager, at 414-390-5783.