Why Federation?

Never in our modern history has the mission of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation been more relevant than it is today; to care for the needs of the Jewish people and build a vibrant Jewish future in Milwaukee, in Israel, and around the world. And in these unprecedented times, your support of Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign ensures this critical work will continue and that our local and global Jewish community will flourish for generations.


As One, we prioritize safety and security so we can freely embrace and celebrate Jewish life and culture together. Antisemitism has been growing at a rate today’s generations have never experienced firsthand, particularly on our college campuses. Post October 7th these incidents occur even more frequently, driving our security costs to protect our partner agencies and synagogues up nearly 700% since 2023, with no signs of reversing. Your gift today ensures we have the resources to provide security services and threat assessments to all Jewish spaces across Wisconsin.

As One, we are investing in building a vibrant Jewish future here and abroad. Security will always be our first priority, but our vision of building and sustaining a vibrant Jewish future depends on the success of our historical partner agencies and Federation programs — generously supported by our Annual Campaign. From BBYO, Hillel Milwaukee and Madison, Holocaust education in Wisconsin classrooms, Jewish summer camp, and more rely on the Annual Campaign and your gift.

As One, we help more people in more places with the support of the Annual Campaign. By combining your charitable gift with those gifts from thousands of others, you create impact on Jewish life at a scale that fosters real change. And by ensuring this campaign is successful, the Federation can continue to support our community’s many valued programs and organizations, in addition to standing ready for the next crisis whether here or abroad.

As One, we can reach our goal faster and help more people sooner than ever! These unrestricted dollars give our partners the flexibility to plan and respond but only if we can get the support to them as soon as possible, which is why we’re shortening the Annual Campaign two months earlier, ending on April 30. We’ll send you fewer reminders so more of your donation goes to vital program support, and your gift can impact the community sooner, helping agencies with their budgeting and planning.