

Support to Jewish Education with a gift to the Coalition for Jewish Learning!

See the power of your gift:

$5000  = Innovation Grant
$1000 = Salute to Jewish Educators
$500 = Professional Development Class
$300 = Professional Development Stipend
$100 = Book Club
$72 = Supporter
$36 = Member

Donate now! 

Tribute Cards: The Coalition for Jewish Learning acknowledges donations made in honor of a person or a special occasion. Sometimes donations are made in memoriam. CJL will send Tribute Cards acknowledging these contributions.

Tribute Book: As part of CJL’s efforts to honor and highlight the work of local Jewish educators, CJL publishes Tribute Book coinciding with our efforts to honor yearly award winners.

Milwaukee Jewish Federation Annual Campaign: Through your generosity, the Milwaukee Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign will help us continue building a vibrant Jewish community for today and for tomorrow. Your gift supports ten local agencies, seven Federation programs and services, and three national agencies that serve the people in Israel and around the world.
