Mazel tov to all the educators on these awards!
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Lifetime Impact Award
Merzy Eisenberg
Milwaukee Jewish Day School
CJL Levy Family Jewish Educator of the Year Award
Roger Carp
Congregation Shalom
Jerry Benjamin Inspiration Award for Informal Education
Levi Stein
Friendship Circle
Gill Incentive for Teachers (GIFT Award)
Anthony Nash
Gan Ami Mequon
Carrie Barbakoff
Congregation Emanuel-El Waukesha
Chai Award
Staci Maiman
Bader Hillel Academy
Amber Franklin
Congregation Shalom
Rabbi Hiller
Yeshiva Elementary School
Double Chai Award
Miriam Liff
Yeshiva Elementary School
Teacher Impact and School Support Award
Bader Hillel Academy
Rochel Wolvovsky, Teacher Impact Award
Eileen Ilk Higgins, School Support Award
Bader Hillel High
Jessica Allen, Teacher Impact Award
Rivi Hatt, School Support Award
Congregation Beth Israel Ner Tamid
Tracy Borkin, Teacher Impact Award
Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun
Sara Martin-Henak, Teacher Impact Award
Max Bernstein, School Support Award
Congregation Emanu-El of Waukesha
Rachel Gershon, Teacher Impact Award
Pete Koszarek, School Support Award
Congregation Shalom
Susie Rosengarten, Teacher Impact Award
Kevin O’Neill, Jackie O’Neill, and Jacob McElrone, School Support Award
Congregation Sinai Youth Education Program
Jennifer Moglowsky, Teacher Impact Award
Lela Bloomgarden, School Support Award
Gan Ami Early Childhood Education JCC
Elizabeth Kayser, Teacher Impact Award
Rachel Macagon, School Support Award
Gan Ami Mequon
Anthony Nash, Teacher Impact Award
Laura Aprill, School Support Award
Jewish Beginnings
Doba Friedman, Teacher Impact Award
Shoshi Keiser, School Support Award
Mequon Jewish Preschool
Jin Stockton, Teacher Impact Award
Benny Rokni, School Support Award
Milwaukee Community Hebrew School
Sara Zemel, Teacher Impact Award
Shawn Bojan, School Support Award
Milwaukee Jewish Day School
Jim Salinsky, Teacher Impact Award
Michal Deskalo, School Support Award
Pelz Hebrew School
Sarah Baram, Teacher Impact Award
Rivky Lazaroff, School Support Award
Torah Academy of Milwaukee
Yael Stein, Teacher Impact Award
Linda Chernin, School Support Award
Torah Tots Preschool
Danielle McDonald, Teacher Impact Award
Steven Guth, School Support Award
Yeshiva Elementary School
Tricia Lewinsky, Teacher Impact Award
Mrs. Grande, School Support Award